Quick Chess Tips to Boost Your Game as a Beginner

Chess is a game that can be easy to learn, but it’s also hard to become really, really good at. Some people become Grandmasters or Masters, which means they’re super good at chess! But don’t worry, getting better when you’re just starting out isn’t too hard.

Think of it like this: when you’re playing chess and you’re new to it, you can learn some special tricks that will help you play better. These tricks are like secret codes for chess. They’re not super complicated, and you don’t need to remember lots of hard things. They’re more like simple rules to remember when you’re playing against your opponent.

So, if you want to get better at chess, you just need to keep these rules in your mind while you’re playing. It’s like having a special map to guide you. And guess what? You might start winning more games because of these rules!

Are you ready to have fun and win some chess games? Let’s go and learn these cool tricks together!

Chess Tips for Beginners 

1.Stay Strong in the Middle of the Chessboard

Here’s a super tip for playing chess! It’s like having a special move that makes you better. Imagine the chessboard as a big playground, and the best spot to be is in the middle. If you put your pieces there, they can go lots of places and be really strong!

When your pieces are in the middle, they can watch over the whole playground. It’s like being the captain of a team. You can use this tip from the start of the game to the end. So, remember: middle is awesome, and your pieces will be superstars there!

2.Build Up Your Team

Imagine your chess pieces are like your own team of heroes. They’re on a mission to protect your king and defeat the other team’s king. But they can’t just sit around, they need to be active!

To make them super strong, you need to wake them up and get them moving. You can move them to different spaces on the board for important reasons. Like your knights, bishops, and rooks can help your other heroes or fight against the enemy heroes.

As you get better at chess, you’ll learn cool tricks like making smart attacks and creating space. But for now, just remember to move your pieces from their starting spots in a smart way. It’s like giving your heroes their marching orders!

3.Stay Super Alert

Even people who are learning chess sometimes make a common mistake. They’re so busy planning their own cool moves that they forget to watch out for what their opponent is doing!

Imagine playing a game and focusing only on what you want to do, like chasing a shiny butterfly. But, oh no! While you’re doing that, someone’s quietly sneaking up behind you. Oops!

That’s why it’s super important to keep an eye on your own plan and also on what your opponent might do. Think of it like being a detective and looking for clues.

Remember these three special letters: C, C, and T. They stand for Checks, Captures, and Threats. Before you make your move, take a quick look around. Are there any checks, like a “gotcha” from your opponent? How about captures, where they might grab one of your pieces? And don’t forget about threats, which are tricky moves that could cause trouble for you.

So, stay sharp, little chess detective! Look for those CCTs before you make your move. That way, you’ll be ready for anything and you’ll play like a champ!

4.The Sneaky Moves

One thing that will get you an upper hand immediately in a chess game is a chess tactic. Period. 

Other chess tips for beginners do not give you an immediate advantage in a chess match; they blossom over time and reap fruits slowly. 

Unlike other chess tips for beginners, successfully carrying out tactical play like pin, skewer, fork, discovered check, etc. will surely get you some material advantage or at least will improve your position. 

Learning chess tactics is not very difficult, especially when you learn from our trainers who keep simplifying the concepts until you understand them. 

Make sure you also practice chess tactics with the help of puzzles.

5.Level Up Your Chess Math

In chess, it’s like having lots of little battles before the big win. Imagine it as a game of trading cards. You want to collect more special cards than your friend, right?

In chess, when your pieces capture the other pieces, it’s like collecting points. Some pieces are worth more points than others. Like a knight might be worth 3 points, and a rook could be worth 5 points.

So, let’s say you’re playing and you capture an enemy’s knight with your piece. That’s like getting 3 points! But then they capture your piece with a bigger piece, like a rook. Uh-oh. But guess what? You capture their rook with a smaller piece, a pawn! That’s 8 points for you, and they only get 3 points.

So, you win because you got more points in the trade. Just like having more cards in a game. And you have to do this fast because there’s a clock ticking! If you take too long, you might run out of time and lose the game.

So, remember, in chess, it’s not only about taking pieces. It’s about winning these point battles too!

6.Guard the Queen’s Mighty Moves

Here’s a cool tip for starting chess players like you. It’s like having a special secret shield for your queen, the most powerful piece on your team!

When you move your queen too soon, it’s like letting your special hero go into a battle without her armor. And guess what? The other team might capture her! That’s not good, right?

But wait, there’s a twist! Sometimes, it’s okay to move your queen early if you see a chance to do something really awesome. Like catching the other team off guard and showing them who’s boss!

Imagine your queen as a superhero who can fly around the board. You can use her to attack the other team’s pieces or make them move where you want. But remember, using your queen too early can be risky, like sending your superhero into a tough mission without a plan.

So, when you play, make sure your queen has a good reason to move early. And if she does, watch out for her and keep her safe. That way, she’ll help you win the game with her super moves!

7.Learn Simple Beginnings in Chess

Have you ever felt unsure about how to start a chess game? Well, guess what? There’s a cool trick to help you out!

Imagine you’re about to start a game, but you don’t know which piece to move first. It’s like trying to start a story without knowing the first words to say. But don’t worry, there’s something called chess openings that can help you out!

Chess openings are like the beginning of a story. They’re special moves that many smart players use to start their games. It’s like having a secret plan to begin the game in a strong way.

Learning chess openings might sound a bit advanced, but here’s the thing: you don’t need to know everything about them. Just knowing a few basic opening moves can be super helpful. It’s like having a superhero cape to start the game with confidence!

These openings give you a cool way to begin and also help you as the game goes on. But remember, you can still play chess without using openings. But knowing the basics of openings makes you even better at the game. So, when you play, think about trying out these special opening moves for a fantastic start!


Now that you know these 7 super cool tips for starting chess, it’s time to try them out in your games. Get ready to see yourself becoming an awesome chess player!

Let’s quickly go through the 7 tips one more time:

  1. Make friends with the middle of the board.
  2. Help your pieces grow fast.
  3. Look out for tricky moves before making yours.
  4. Use sneaky tricks to win.
  5. Count your points when you swap pieces.
  6. Keep your queen safe in the beginning.
  7. Learn a bit about starting moves.

Remember, you’re like a chess hero with these tips in your pocket. Play, have fun, and watch yourself get better and better at chess!

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