Chess Notation for Kids:

Learning how to record moves.

Hey there, little chess champions! Today, we’re going to learn something super cool – how to write down the moves you make in a chess game. It’s like keeping a diary of your chess adventures!

What’s Chess Notation?

Think of chess notation as a secret code for remembering your chess moves. It’s like writing down a story about your chess game on a special map (the chessboard).

The Chessboard Map

The chessboard has squares with names, just like houses on a street. We give these squares special names so we can find them easily. Some squares are like the “first floor,” and others are like the “second floor” of a building. There are also letters that tell us which way to go, like “a,” “b,” “c,” and so on.

Writing Down Moves

When you move a chess piece, you write it down using chess notation. Here’s how:

  1. The Piece’s First Letter: Start with the first letter of the piece’s name. Like “K” for king, “Q” for queen, “R” for rook, “N” for knight, and “B” for bishop.
  2. Destination Square: Write the name of the square where your piece is going. Like if your knight goes to e4, you write “Ne4.”
  3. Capture: If you take an opponent’s piece, put an “x” before the square. For example, “Qxd5” means your queen took something on d5.
  4. Check and Checkmate: If you put your opponent’s king in danger (check), add a “+” after the move. If you win the game with your next move (checkmate), put “#” at the end.

Recording a Game

Now, when you play a chess game, you can write down all the moves. It’s like making a treasure map of your game. Later, you and your friends can look at the map to see how the game went and learn from it.

Here’s a tiny example:

  1. e4 e5
  2. Nf3 Nc6
  3. Bb5 a6

Easy, right? Want to learn more ? Book a Free Demo at


Great job, little chess masters! You’ve learned how to write down your chess moves. Now you can keep a record of your awesome games and share them with others.

Keep practicing, keep playing, and keep having fun with chess! And if you want to learn more or play chess online with friends, there are websites and apps that can help you do just that. So, keep exploring and having a blast with chess! consider joining MyChessCoach. It’s a fantastic place to learn from chess experts and become a true chess master! Happy chess-playing!

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